Muslim person has a colleague in the course of work asked him why do not eat pork? Why Muslims do not eat pork? He asked him to explain to him one reason scientifically not religious, he was asked to be a convincing answer if he could!
Muslim said to him: Give me one hour and give you the answer in Hungarian and explain why scientifically, God willing. So I searched the Internet and browse ordination of scientific-page English and Hungarian and Internatioanl ..
And if in shock for a report and found him in a Hungarian site:
The source is the body to monitor the galactic food standards HVIA and writes abbreviated useful for pork:
* Pig eats dead (cadaver) and if it was his father.
* Pig eats almost everything: the urine, and even your own urine! And other animal waste, dirt that was drenched, Jeff swollen eat, Vrh and Althblh wet plants.
* Pork proportion of body toxins Aktar my 30 time of Mutton.
* Do not sweat the pig! Vageldh like a sponge absorbs all the dirt! And this is a disaster in itself.
* When you eat lamb takes from 6 to 9 hours to digest where the liver absorbs a small amount of toxins in the big time, either pork takes one to two hours, and this will be covered by the liver and steeped in poison!
* Pork male harmony with any animal, and if he said! Making it a carrier of the disease.
* After 3 hours of the killing of the pig all the worms come out of his body!
* There are worms in the pig's body does not die even after cooking or barbecuing!
* Pork concocted take 6 Saat.ham pork can not be Hoaah where they continue to melt until it disappears, and this is similar to the human meat.
* Pork used in cosmetic surgery as an alternative to human skin, and of their profession Altoshim (tattoo) is tattooed on the skin of a pig by the customer's skin.
* There is blood in the Ras Mtaktherh pork because it is the only creature that does not raise his head up.
* Pig hair but still burning! Grilling!
* Pork does not smell eat before you eat it! He empties Fezlat his nose on eating that was clean, and then eat it.
Muslim so he sent this report with its source to fellow Hungarian and if it refrains from eating pork
And if it is also publish this report in all the pages under Hungarian Why Muslims do not eat pork address!
Hungarian link which it found information on the pig:
(Moved Adapted)
The original link and the translation of many of the world's languages:
* I would like to mention here that we, as Muslims, we refrain from eating pork because that God has forbidden us, we refrain surrender and satisfaction of his orders Almighty .. Even without an explanation of the reason for prohibition .. God created us, and He knows us from ourselves. This report is not a proof of the prohibition of eating pork or the reason for the prohibition, but the report makes clear scientifically harm caused by eating pork.
Glory be created and Glory is know us from ourselves!
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